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Brewbrain Float
  • Brewbrain Float
  • Brewbrain Float
  • Brewbrain Float

Brewbrain Float

125,00 €
Com IVA Entrega: 1 a 3 semanas

Brewbrain Float tracks your fermentation activity, temperature and SG to brew better beers. 

  • Data about your active brew, anytime, anywhere
  • Track fermentation, temperature and SG
  • No sample needed; less waste, less risk of infection
  • Delivered calibrated, you can get started right away
  • Long battery life; easy to recharge through USB-port 
  • Wi-Fi connected, also with the Brewfather brewing app
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Brewbrain Float tracks your fermentation activity, temperature and SG to brew better beers.

Brewbrain Float can be used in your fermenter. With its food-grade housing, Wi-Fi connection and an easy to charge battery, brewers use the Float for measuring fermentation activity and temperature. The measurement data can give you loads of information. It can show you when your fermentation is not active anymore, so you can keg or bottle your beer. But you can also use the temperature data to monitor your dry hopping temperature, and adjust when needed.

Next to real-time data, Float’s data can be used to check historical data from older brews in order to reproduce these. With a My Brewbrain account you can track your brews everywhere! Export your data or look at what other people are brewing. Easily link your data to other tools such as Brewfather and Grainfather.
